Similar words: refresher, refresh, refreshed, refreshing, refreshment, refresh rate, refreshingly, refresher course.
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1. The Refresh Data operation changed the PivotTable report.
2. PivotTable was changed during Refresh Data operation.
3. You can use the Refresh Data button on the PivotTable toolbar Refresh Data command.
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4. This can be handy when you want to refresh data on a test or disaster recovery system that doesn't need to be built from scratch.
5. Each time that you refresh data, you see the most recent version of the data, including any changes that were made to the data since it was last refreshed.
6. Although end users can specify how often to refresh data from the source, they can not modify the existing KML file.
7. Moreover, the system is expandable, namely, we can append function module and refresh data.
8. You can also query the GRplistController object regarding the date and time of the last download for a given URL using the lastUpdate property and decide when to try to refresh data from the Web.
9. The PivotTable report was saved without the underlying data. Use the Refresh Data command to update the report.
10. Information source may change at any time, so information crawling system has to refresh data in order to avoid failure pages.
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